gym lady

Ngozi Fucks the Gym Lady

Ngozi was tired.

After working from 9am to 6pm all he wanted to do was go home and rest, but he knew if he did that he would ruin his newly found routine and stop coming to the gym all together. He didn’t want to be one of those people that gave up after just a month.

Plus he needed the gym. He was in good shape for a 29 year old but he wanted his belly fat gone. He settled down on a bench outside the unopened gym, evidently he had arrived too early, taking out his laptop to catch up with an online class he was taking.

So immersed he was in it, he almost missed the sultry voice that flowed to him in the cool breeze outside the gym.

“I know you.” The voice said. He glanced up. Then he looked.

Fair skin, a round face with pink lips, brown braids secured into a bun at the top of her head, curvy figure, thick thighs accentuated by dark leggings, breasts so full it was a miracle they sat still in her sports bra, underneath a grey jacket only zipped halfway.

gym lady

To his absolute horror, he felt his dick stirring, something that hadn’t happened in well over eight months, after his last girlfriend had ripped his heart to shreds. Jesus Christ who was this woman?

He had to clear his throat before he spoke, schooling his voice into nonchalance he didn’t feel. “I’m sorry I’m not sure I know you. How do you know me?”

She walked over and planted herself beside him. He almost dropped his laptop. She didn’t seem to notice. “You’re MLS Ngozi right? The lab scientist? From the lab at the next bus stop?”

“Yes.” He said, trying hard not to think about how close she was to him, or how pretty she was, or how her vanilla scented perfume seemed to be calling out to him, or how her breasts would feel with his head between them …

He adjusted his laptop over his bulge, cursing himself. He should’ve obliged his brother. In all the months following his break up, his promiscuous older brother had tried on multiple occasions to drag him out of their shared apartment to meet women that would ‘ease his stress’ and had failed. If he had answered at least once, he’d probably not be having these thoughts about a woman who’d said all but 14 words to him.

“I’m Lillian.” She extended her hand. He took it, and was immediately taken aback with the large golden ring on her finger.

She was married. Of course. It was just his luck to finally be excited by a woman after so long and she turns out to be married. Disappointment running through his veins, he subtly shuffled away from her, the same time the gym owner showed up to unlock the doors.

He was thankful. He would pour out his frustrations on the machines.

She was at his door step two weeks later. He had rolled his eyes at the knocking on the door, thinking it was his brother returning much earlier than anticipated from yet another adventurous night, only to be stunned by fair skinned beauty.

Her voice was sultrier than he remembered it. “You forgot this.” She held up a laminated sheet, his name printed in bold letters at the top. His CV. It explained why she was here and how she knew his address.

“Thank y-“

She was kissing him. This sexy woman, object of all his recent fantasies, lips so soft they were felt like they were melting in his mouth. He wasn’t even aware they had moved until they landed on the couch.

“I’ve wanted to do that for longer than you know.” She breathed, hands moving to take off her top, flinging it across the room. She was bare underneath. His head was spinning.

“The first time I saw you in that lab, looking all sexy, God, I wanted to suck you off right there and then, but you were so busy with your work, you didn’t even look at me.”

She was unbuttoning his shorts and he made no move to help her, still half convinced this was happening in his imagination.

“Then outside the gym, I introduced myself and you still didn’t give me attention.”

“I am,” he finally said, “attracted to you. I just thought – “

“What you thought doesn’t matter. I’m here now. You can have me.”

Those words were his undoing.

With a growl one could only describe as animalistic, he brought himself out from under her, flipping her onto her back. He loved how she watched, mesmerised, as he knelt down,  positioning himself between her legs, taking his time to slide down her skirt –

To be immediately greeted with the intoxicating scent of her.

Heavens, this woman wasn’t wearing underwear.

His shocked expression met her smiling, a devilish twinkle dancing in her eyes.

“You like what you see?”

He answered with his tongue in her wetness. He was a man possessed, licking, sucking, pleasuring her with the frantic fervor of a man who hadn’t been with a woman for far too long, her fingers in his hair and her loud moans of yes, there, more, please, only serving to refuel him.

He was hungry, he was starved, and she was the most delicious thing he’d tasted.

She came on his face and he remained there, swallowing every drop her body produced. She finally pushed him off her, telling him to sit on the couch. It was her turn to kneel before him, releasing his raging boner from the confines of his boxer briefs.

“I like what you’ve done for me. Let me return the favour.”

His dick was in her mouth and he forgot everything else.

“Was that Lilian? From the gym?” His brother had returned just in time to see her leave the apartment. “Did you two have sex?”

He didn’t answer, he didn’t need to, his brother’s eyes were already trailing over the telltale signs on the couch, the four condom wrappers on the floor.

His brother was smiling. “You know she’s married right?”

He didn’t answer that either. His brother laughed. “And I thought I was the player of the family.”


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